GSDCA Universal Sieger & Siegrin Rules and Regulations

A. The German Shepherd Dog Club of America will recognize and award a “GSDCA Universal Sieger and Universal Siegerin (year)” as a title for German Shepherd Dogs.

B. All German Shepherd Dogs owned by a resident of the United States of America who are members in good standing of the German Shepherd Dog Club of America are eligible to receive this title under the following conditions:

  1. The Dog must have a WUSV recognized pedigree.
  2. The Dog must be breed surveyed.
  3. The dog must be shown in the GSDCA IGP National Championship and at the GSDCA Universal Sieger Show (working class) in the same calendar year.
  4. The dog must be pronounced and at least G at the GSDCA Universal Sieger Show.
  5. The dog must be pronounced with a minimum of 80 points in protection and at least G score overall at the GSDCA IGP National Championship.

C. The dog receiving the highest number of points combined in both events will be declared as the GSDCA Universal Sieger and Siegerin (year).

D. The following points will be awarded for Health, GSDCA Universal Sieger Show (working class) Conformation and GSDCA IGP National Championship Performance. Maximum points to be obtained are 600 (100 for health, 200 for conformation, 300 for nationals performance). Only dogs can take part in the show ranking who made at least 70 points in all phases, except in phase C where dog must earn a minimum of 80 points. Tracking Phase A – Points earned between 70-100 Obedience Phase B – Points earned between 70-100 Protection Phase C – Points earned between 80-100.

E. Health. The results of the HD and ED diagnostics (only accepted from SV recognized evaluation offices) shall be included in the rating list.

HD:A/ ED:A= 100 Points
HD:A/ ED:B or HD:B/ ED:A = 95 Points
HD:B/ ED: B = 90 Points
HD:A/ ED:C or HD:C/ ED:A = 80 Points
HD:B/ ED:C or HD:C/ ED:B = 75 Points
HD:C/ ED:C = 70 Points
(a-normal = A, fast-normal = B, Noch Zugelassen = C)
Dogs who obtained worse results are not permitted.

F. Conformation Rating. The show section shall be rated according to the classes and be divided by MALES and FEMALES. Both hair varieties are presented and rated in their respective classes. The breed show is held according the requirements of the GHKL working dog classes (WUSV Breeding Program). The class winner shall be awarded 100 Points, the second winner 98 Points, etc. (with a downgrading of two points for each of the next following ranking). The ranking is carried out as follows:

Excellent/ Vorzüglich = 100 Points
Very good/ Sehr gut = 90 Points
Good/ Gut = 80 Points
Sufficient/ Genügend = 70 Points
Insufficient/ Ungenügend = 60 Points
Unsatisfactory = 50 Points Disqualification

Only dogs can take part in the show ranking that made at least 70 points in all phases, except in phase C where dog must earn a minimum of 80 points.
If a tie breaker is necessary, the points received from the performance in the IGP National Championship will dominate the other points. If an additional tie breaker is necessary, the points received from phase C (protection phase) will dominate. If an additional tie breaker is necessary, the points received from B Nationals Performance (obedience phase) will dominate. If an additional tie breaker is necessary, the points received from phase A (tracking phase) will dominate. If an additional tie breaker is necessary, the points received from ‘Health’ will dominate. If an additional tie breaker is necessary, the points received from ‘Conformation Rating’ (show rating) will dominate.

G. The Universal Sieger and Siegerin (year) are important titles for our breeding goals and will be recognized in the GSDCA Review magazine within the following year of winning the award.

H. The Universal Sieger and Universal Siegerin will receive a trophy award immediately following the declaration.


Universal Sieger Show Rules

GSDCA breed shows are open to all German Shepherd Dogs only and are judged according to the Federation Cynologique Internationals (FCI), International Standard for German Shepherd Dogs. Breed Shows may be hosted by GSDCA SV-WUSV Programs clubs or the GSDCA Parent Club. Club and Regional shows are hosted by the SV-WUSV Programs clubs. National Shows are hosted only by the GSDCA Parent Club.


1. All dogs 12 months or older born in the United States must have American Kennel Club (AKC) Registration Certificate.

2. All dogs 12 months or older must have a four generation AKC Certified Pedigree with microchip or tattoo certified on the pedigree.

3. Puppies under 12 months of age can be “pending” registration with proof of ownership and proof of sire and dam.

4. All dogs born outside of the USA must present SV, Canadian or other FCI recognized registration and pedigree from the dog’s country of birth.

5. Original documents must be presented to the show secretary at check-in.

6. Copies of all required documents must be submitted with entry.

7. Entry fee must be submitted with entry and are non-refundable.

8.  Acceptable working titles are IGP, IPO, and HGH.

9.  You do not need to be a member of the GSDCA to participate.

10. The age of the dog on the first day of the show will determine the correct entry for each age class.


1. Dogs that are not entered in the show will not be permitted on the show grounds.

2.  A Judge’s decision is final and cannot be contested.

3.  After a dog is presented for the “stand for examination” but later withdrawn from the show, the dog will be given an “Unsatisfactory” rating unless excused by a licensed veterinarian. A written excuse must be presented to the presiding Judge.

4. Prong collars are not allowed on show grounds.

5. Shock collars are forbidden at all GSDCA events and on all GSDCA event grounds.

6. Double handlers may not use electronic, gas or compressed air amplification devices, pistols, whips, or protection sleeves. Violations may cause the dog to be disqualified and the dog and handler ordered off the field.

7. Participants are responsible for preventing their dog from coming in to contact with other dogs. The GSDCA and any show organizer will not be responsible for injury or damage to any dog, or damage caused by any dog, or the theft of any dog.

8. False documentation for a dog will result in the banning of the dog from the competition and possible disciplinary action.

9.  Misleading or deceiving a judge about the true condition of a dog may result in the banning of the dog from the competition and possible disciplinary action.

10. A judge is not allowed to judge any dog which they have owned or co-owned or which has been in their possession within the past 12 months; if owner or co-owned by them; is in the possession of close relatives (1st and 2nd generation), life partnerships, shared households, and groups of owners.


In every class, the judge studies how well each dog conforms to the International (FCI) Breed Standard, both in character and anatomy. Judging in each class begins with the individual stand for examination. Dogs 12 months of age and older will be tested for gun sensitivity. Dogs that are impartial to the gun test will then proceed for the gaiting evaluation.


The dog’s age is determined by the first day of the show. Beginning with the youngest age group classes, females are judged first followed by males.


Baby Puppy Classes, 3-6 months; Junior Puppy Classes, 6-9 months; Senior Puppy Classes, 9-12 months.


“Very Promising” (VP) 

Dogs that conform fully to the FCI breed standard or have minor anatomical faults.

 “Promising” (P) 

Dogs that generally conform to the FCI breed standard but with clearly observable anatomic or developmental faults

“Less Promising” (LP) 

Dogs that react negatively to external stimuli and/or have faults that would exclude them from breeding.


Youth Classes, 12-18 months and Young Dog Classes, 18-24 months.


“Very Good” (SG) 

The highest rating in the Youth and Young Dog Classes for dogs that fully conform to the FCI breed standard. Also qualified are dogs that: (a) exceed the size limitations by no more than 1 cm below or above the standard; and (b) have missing one premolar 1 or one incisor.

“Good” (G) 

Dogs that generally conform to the FCI breed standard but with clearly observable anatomical faults. Dental faults allowed under this rating include: a. Missing two premolars 1, or b. Missing one premolar 1 and one incisor, or

  • Missing one premolar 2, or
  • Missing one premolar 3, or
  • Missing two incisors, or
  • Missing one premolar 2 and 1 incisor, or
  • Missing one premolar 2 and one premolar 1, or
  • Missing two premolars 2.

“Satisfactory” (A) 

Dogs which, on the day of the show, are gun sensitive or react negatively to external stimuli or which do not permit a higher rating due to their total condition, including anatomical factors.

“Unsatisfactory” (U) 

Dogs that are gun shy, show limitations in their temperament, react negatively to external stimuli or display other shortcomings that prohibit breeding. Also dogs that exceed size specifications by more than 1 cm below or above.

Open Classes, 24 months or older without working title(s). No ratings are awarded for this class, dogs are placed according to quality. The judge may critique the dogs but a Show Rating Certificate will not be issued.


Veteran Classes, 6 years or older with working title(s). No ratings are awarded for this class, dogs are placed according to quality. The judge may critique the dogs but a Show Rating Certificate will not be issued.


Working Dog Classes, 24 months or older with working title(s)


 V, “Excellent”

a. b. Have an SV/OFA HD/ED normal, almost normal or still permissible

c. If 3.5 years of age or older, have a SV recognized breed survey rating

d. Are self-confident, outgoing and indifferent to gun fire

e. Double premolar 1 is/are allowed

f. Have a minimum IGP1 or IPO1, or SchH1 title

g. For animals with excess or less than 1 cm of the standard

“Very Good” (SG) – Dogs in the Working Dog Class that otherwise meet the requirements for the “Excellent” rating but show minor faults in their anatomy. Also qualified are dogs that (a) exceed the size limitations by no more than 1 cm below or above the standard and (b) dogs missing one premolar 1 or one incisor

“Good” (G) – As described under the Youth and Young Dog Classes

“Satisfactory” (A) – As described under the Youth and Young Dog Classes

“Unsatisfactory” (U) – As described under Youth and Young Dog Classes

To view a complete list of Rules & Regulations please be sure to visit the GSDCA website through the following link: CLICK HERE


IGP National Championship Rules

Entry Requirements:
1. Entry into the 2023 GSDCA IGP National Championship is restricted to German Shepherd Dogs.

2. All dogs entering the GSDCA IGP National Championship must have the following:

  • a. A passing IGP3 title with at least 240 points and 80 points in Phase C with a Pronounced ‘a’ rating, earned at a GSDCA sanctioned trial held on or after April 22, 2021;
  • b. A GSDCA recognized scorebook.

3. Copies of the following documents must be submitted with each entry:

  • a. A GSDCA recognized scorebook with proof of qualifying score;
  • b. Proof of identification (microchip or tattoo), if not noted in the dog’s scorebook;
  • c. Proof of valid rabies vaccination.

4. GSDCA membership is required for all entries. Pending membership applications will not be accepted.

5. Original scorebook and other supporting documents must be presented to the Trial Secretary at check-in.

6. Entries submitted without required documents and entry fee will not be accepted.

7. To be considered for the WUSV USA Team joint qualification trial, dog must have passing hip and elbow ratings from the SV, and both owner and handler of the dog must be a current GSDCA member. The trial handler of entered dog must be a citizen or legal resident of the United States.

H.O.T. Award
To qualify for the H.O.T. (Handler-Owner-Trained) award, the following criteria must be met:

  1. The handler-owner must be a member in good standing of the GSDCA;
  2. The handler-owner must have owned the dog from at least the age from 15 months;
  3. The handler-owner must provide either AKC registration or foreign registration, showing proof of ownership and date of ownership;
  4. The handler-owner must have handled the dog for all its training and titling;
  5. The dog may not have been leased out to anyone prior to all titles being earned;
  6. Co-ownership is allowed, provided both parties’ names have been on the registration from the beginning of ownership; only one of the owners can be the handler/ trainer of the dog.

B.H.O.T. Award
To qualify as a B.H.O.T. (Breeder-Handler-Owner-Trained) award, the following criteria must be met:

  1. The breeder-owner must be a member in good standing of the GSDCA;
  2. The dog must carry the breeder-owner’s kennel name;
  3. The breeder-owner must provide either AKC registration or foreign registration listing breeder, showing proof of ownership and date of ownership;
  4. The dog must be AKC registered by 15 months of age;
  5. The breeder-owner must have done all training and put all titles on the dog;
  6. The dog may not have been leased out to anyone prior to all titles being earned;
  7. Co-ownership is allowed, provided both parties’ names have been on the registration from the beginning of ownership; only one of the owners can be the handler/ trainer of the dog.


WUSV Universal Sieger Team Selection

A.. The GSDCA will have a combined team with USCA. GSDCA and USCA will alternate Team Captains yearly. If there is a WUSV team of five members, the organization that has the Team Captain will send two members and an alternate, the organization without the team captain will send three members. One of the dogs must be a bitch on the combined team. If the WUSV has six members then each organization will send three members and the captain will be alternated year to year. In the event one organization does not send its allotted quota of team members the other organization may make up the difference to make a full team.

B. First Qualifier. The Universal Sieger and Siegerin are automatic qualifiers for the WUSV Universal Sieger Team. A female dog must represent the Team if possible. If for any reason, the Universal Siegerin cannot represent the Team, the next available female must be selected.

C. Second Qualifier. Any additional Team members and alternates will be selected using the following process. The dog and handler team must participate in the current year’s GSDCA IGP Nationals and Universal Sieger Show. The dog and handler teams will be ranked according to the above described method.

All dogs declaring for the WUSV Universal Sieger Team must have SV recognized hip and elbow certification for entry, OFA hips are no longer accepted by the WUSV for entry.

In the event the WUSV allows long stock coats into the WUSV Universal Sieger Championship and GSDCA has long stock coat entries for the Universal Sieger team, GSDCA will combine the stock coat and long stock coat dogs into one show class for the selection process.


Breed Survey

1. Breed surveys are restricted to German Shepherd Dogs.
2. Dogs with AKC Limited Registration are not eligible to enter.
3. Dogs must be no less than two years of age at the date of the Survey.
4. Dog must have either a tattoo or microchip.
5. Dogs must be healthy and in good condition.
6. Females that are 42 days pregnant may not participate in the Breed Survey.
7. Females after 42 days of whelping a litter may participate in the Breed Survey.
8. Females in heat must be reported to the Breed Survey Master for placement at the end of the Breed Survey.

Breed Survey Update

Mr. Robert Lang, along with our GSDCA SV Programs Breed Warden Mr. Will Lipp, will be conducting a National Breed Survey on Friday before Universal.

If you satisfy entry requirements that are available on GSDCA website for National GSDCA Breed Survey, and pass the Breed Survey examination, then Breed Survey Certificates will be issued on site. This survey will meet the requirement for your entry and V rating. Make sure you read all the rules for GSDCA National Breed Survey and if you need one please register ASAP.


GSDCA WUSV Team Declaration and
Qualification Process

The 2023 Universal Sieger and Siegerin will automatically qualify and be eligible to attend the 2023 WUSV Universal Sieger competition as the representatives of the GSDCA. The deadline to notify the GSDCA of the anticipated attendance is May 01, 2023.
The following process will be used to select the 10 dog/handler teams to compete for the GSDCA at the 2023 USCA-GSDCA WUSV Qualification Trial.

1. The top ten (10) eligible dog/handler teams at the GSDCA IGP3 National Championship, who receive at least 250 points and at least 80 points in protection (pronounced), will earn an automatic bid to compete in the Qualification Trial.

2. The deadline to notify the GSDCA of the anticipated attendance is May 01, 2023.

4. Competition is restricted to one dog per handler.

5. The handler must be a current member in good standing of the GSDCA for at least one (1) year prior to the declaration deadline. This new requirement will become effective in 2024.

6. The dog must have passing hips and elbows ratings from the SV.

7. The handler must be a United States citizen OR a permanent resident of the United States.

8. The handler/dog team must remain the same throughout the qualification process and the WUSV championship.

9. The handler is not required to be the owner of the declared dog.
Candidates aspiring to be on the WUSV World Championship Team must submit their declaration by email to the GSDCA SV Office, no later than the declaration deadline even though all of the qualifying events may not have yet been held. This deadline will be strictly enforced. Documents to be submitted include:

1. A declaration of intent;
2. A copy of the dog’s registration papers;
3. A declaration fee of $250 must be submitted online (GSDCA Store) with the declaration email. The fee will be returned if the candidate does not make the team. The fee will be refunded after the declarant completes participation in the WUSV World Championship. The fee will be forfeited if the candidate makes the WUSV team and chooses not to participate as a team member in the WUSV World Championship.

1. All GSDCA members of the WUSV World Championship Team are representatives of GSDCA and shall strive to conduct themselves in an exemplary manner both on and off the field.

2. The GSDCA team members will be required to arrive at their event destination at least three (3) days prior to competition.

3. All team members, including the alternate, shall wear their team uniforms during competition and at all official events such as draw night, opening ceremonies, and closing ceremonies.

4. Any member of the team who conducts himself or herself in an unsportsmanlike manner shall be subject to disciplinary action, including potential dismissal from the team. The decision to dismiss a team member shall lie solely with the team captain.